Anyway, the reason I bring up Candida is because of a recent issue with my husband's health. He was deployed to the Gulf of Mexico during the oil spill. He ended up stationed in Mississippi. Within two days of his arrival, he got sick with body aches, fever, chills, respiratory congestion and all symptoms mimicked the flu. He went to a local doctor and after a brief exam, the doctor prescribed him a Z-Pack and some kind of expectorant and gave him an injection of some steroid. He told him to get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Well, that's what they always say.
My husband had no choice but to go back to work. He said by that afternoon, he felt much better. That lasted about a day and a half and the symptoms returned. He was telling me all about it on the phone and I told him that I felt that he had some type of virus or fungus and that the antibiotics were not the answer. He told me that his throat was so sore that he could barely swallow and the uvula had swollen so much that he felt as if he was swallowing it. I told him not to take any more antibiotics because he was compromising his immune system. He told me how bad the mold and mildew was down there and with the extreme heat and humidity, I was sure that he was suffering from these spores. I sent him some Thieves, which is a blended essential oil that has amazing curative properties. He did use the oil and the lozenges and he said that it helped his throat and chest a lot. He continued to have symptoms and returned to the doctor. Once again, a Z-Pack and some little vials of some kind of something and another shot! Oh and one more time....same thing. Ok, now we are looking at 3 rounds of super duper antiobiotics in less than a month, 3 shots of some steroid and a bunch of vials of whatever and he's still sick! Come on, this isn't rocket science. This doctor apparently didn't know how to go to the next step. Common sense should tell you that if the antibiotics didn't do anything the first time, it wasn't bacterial!!
Well, now he's home and back in dry, old Phoenix. I took one look at him and told him that he had a fungus or spore issue like I said before. He had scheduled an appointment with a doctor and I made him cancel it. I told him that he was going to go to a new guy and tell him the same story and get the same thing. I told him to go to the internet and look up Candida. Not sure why, but it was my intuition. He started researching it and lo and behold, he told me he thinks he has had this most of his life. As a young adult, he was put on several rounds of antibiotics for systemic acne. Over the years, he has had a couple of serious bouts of respiratory issues, including pneumonia and has been hospitalized. Looking back now, I can see where this has been an issue all along.
We found some products that claim to actually kill the yeast. This is important because so many products will ease symptoms, but doesn't actually kill it. You have to kill it so you are rid of it once and for all. Meanwhile, it is important to eliminate sugar, simple carbs like breads and potatoes, processed foods, dairy, alcohol, etc. These foods will feed the yeast and make it worse.
They symptoms are too many to list here, but go to and read all of the information they have in this website. These people have researched after years of suffering with it and they have found what will work. We ordered their products and since he began following the program a week ago, he feels amazingly better. He can tell that the congestion is clearing up in his chest and sinuses and he no longer has these flu-like symptoms.
Unless you go to a naturopath or holistic doctor, the chances of a conventional medical doctor even suspecting Candida are slim to none. It is not something that is part of their standard protocol.
While reading this, please read some of my other posts. The one on inflammation is very interesting, too. I honestly feel that most people, particularly in America are suffering from both inflammation and Candida. It is so simple to get rid of and take charge of your own life. If you've read my posts about Sunrider, you know that the body has the innate ability to heal itself if given the proper nutrition, properly balanced and if it can properly eliminate. Sunrider foods are the bomb! I have tried all the other stuff out there and was ready to walk away from the person trying to tell me about it because I had been duped so many times. Sunrider is the real deal. You eat Sunrider foods and take care of your issues from the cellular level and you will live the life that you deserve to live. We all know that the human body isn't designed to last forever, but there is not one rule anywhere that says you have to age and fall apart, suffering with pain and disease, just so you can expire. You deserve to be happy, healthy and feel good for as long as you are on this earth!
To your health and happiness,