Monday, November 15, 2010

QuantumPathic Energy Method (QPEM)

In November 2009, I attended a free introduction to find out about a method of healing that I had seen at a healing fair a few days earlier.

As soon as the introduction was over, I was so amazed that I signed up to take the first course. In the first weekend of the 40-hour intensive, I knew I desired more. I have been with the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness in Scottsdale, AZ ever since. I have been training to become a facilitator and teacher.

After one of the classes, we were asked a few questions and given some time to consider them. I had forgotten that I wrote this, but it was actually published in this week’s newsletter. After reading it, it reminded me of how far I had come this past year and it certainly made me realize where I am today. What a difference this has made in my life.

After reading this, I invite you to go to the website at and read all about this method. Take time to read the published articles and testimonials. It doesn’t matter where you live; you are as close as a plane ride, a phone call or even Skype. The courses are life changing. Nothing is holding you back, but you!

How Can I Apply What I Know Now?

I apply it to my life every day. I look at things differently. I do not react; I do not participate in things that do not serve me or interest me; I do not get involved in anyone's trauma dramas. I am clear about what it is I require, desire and deserve. I am conscious, creating newness.

What difference will this info make in my life?

All of the above and I am a conscious creator. I am looking forward to continuing to create newness in my life. I am only going to do what I choose to do and no programs will stop me.

Why does the QPEM support me to heal myself emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally and financially?

There are two major things that will degenerate the body from the cellular level and those things are issues and food! We can change our eating habits, environment, etc, but if the issues, based upon years and lifetimes of programming are not released, then nothing else in the whole universe will make a difference.

The human body not only has the innate ability to heal itself, it has the ability to resist disease altogether, but only if it is free of destructive programming. By cutting the bands to these programs, I am freeing myself of limiting thinking and counter-productive behavior so that I can begin here and now to LIVE life to its fullest, not just exist in someone else's idea of a world.

I can now get back to taking care of me and giving my body what it requires to thrive. As a clear, conscious, creative, joyful, healthy person, I am a gift to others who choose to find out what it is that I have to offer. For those who do not choose to change their life, OH WELL!!! It is time for them to fall away, as they do not serve me. I only choose what is in my highest and best interest.

Am I amazed by myself?

Yes, however, I have almost always known there was something more to me. I kept it inside for fear of being different or being criticized. I have spent a lot of time going along for the ride just to keep peace; consequently, doing a lot of things that I didn't really desire to do and missing a lot of opportunities to experience things that would have better served me. I am grateful for having found QPEM, as it has brought me back to life, consciously aware of what I desire to do for the rest of my life. I am an amazing person, worthy of all that I desire and deserve!

Kim McDermott/2010