Sunday, September 6, 2009


Are you suffering from Inflammation?

When you think of inflammation, you think of pain, redness, swelling and heat associated with an infection or an injury. This is absolutely normal, as it is the body’s natural defense system in taking action.

When your body detects something invading your system and isn’t supposed to be there, some amazing things begin to happen. Your white blood cells and cytokines mobilize to begin fighting off these invaders.

Did you know that there is another kind of inflammation, hidden deep inside your body that occurs when your immune system is out of balance? This inflammation goes wild within your body causing a chronic, smoldering fire which contributes to disease and weight gain. It leads to common conditions such as allergies, arthritis, asthma and autoimmune disease, as well as every single major disease associated with aging and degeneration, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes, dementia, depression, obesity and even autism, just to name a few.

What causes this type of inflammation? Well, just about everything in your day to day life. A diet consisting of sugars, refined flours, bad fats, processed foods, hidden food allergens, lack of exercise, chronic stress, hidden infections such as yeasts, parasites, viruses or bacteria, exposure to toxins such as mercury, pesticides or molds will trigger this inflammation deep down in your tissues and cells. You can feel healthy and yet, this sneaky condition can still be wreaking havoc, slowly destroying your organs and your ability to function at an optimum level, leading to rapid degeneration or “aging”.

Anti-inflammatory drugs are common treatments, but they interfere with the body’s own natural immune response and can lead to serious and deadly side effects. In fact, there are as many anti-inflammatory drug related deaths each year as there are deaths from asthma or leukemia. Ibuprofen, aspirin and steroids such as prednisone are a few examples of these types of drugs.

Taking drugs is not the answer to eliminating inflammation. The operative word there is “eliminating”. Drugs are designed to relieve symptoms and what is a symptom? A symptom is a message that your body is sending you telling you that there is something wrong. If you suppress the symptom, you are merely interrupting the body’s natural message center, quieting it down and basically, ignoring the fact that you have an issue that needs to be addressed. If you have a headache and you take an aspirin, generally the headache will disappear shortly. Did it go away because you just fed an aspirin deficiency or did it “seem” to go away because the aspirin just quieted down the symptom? If you had an open wound with an obvious infection, would you just put a band aid on it and ignore it? If you did that, you could really be in trouble later on.

It’s imperative that you find out what the root cause of the illness or pain is and then proceed in taking steps to eliminating it. You have to bring the body’s natural immune system back into balance by creating the proper environment for it to thrive.
So let’s get back to the causes of inflammation, starting with foods. There are many foods that contain allergens. It is the allergic reactions to these foods that cause inflammation. Obesity is inflammation. Inflammatory foods are making us sick and fat.

When we think of food allergies, we think of someone who has an “allergy” to something like peanuts. They break out in hives, their tongue swells and they have trouble breathing. They are rushed into the emergency room and treated. Although, this is a serious matter, it isn’t that common and it is known as an immediate allergic reaction. However, this is not the same thing as the type of allergies to foods that result in inflammation.

Look around, everywhere you go. Haven’t you noticed how many people, young and old, are overweight and out of shape, these days? It is an epidemic. People are sicker now than ever before. It is due to the poor diets, stress and lack of proper exercise. We are seeing more diabetes, cancer, heart disease and more.

There are so many “diets” out on the market that claim to be the answer to your weight loss, but these fad diets are actually making you unhealthy. You may lose weight, but it doesn’t mean you are healthy and it doesn’t mean that it’s permanent. You can still be suffering from inflammation, which ultimately will lead to disease and degeneration. Unlike the food allergy that sends you to the emergency room, inflammation is known as a “delayed allergic reaction”. It is very common and creates a lot of suffering…….unnecessary and preventable suffering. Millions of people are now suffering from inflammation and the effects it has on the human body.

Unfortunately, conventional medicine doesn’t seem to recognize this common problem and therefore it is often ignored. The reaction to the food allergens can be delayed for anywhere from a couple of hours to a few days. This makes it difficult for a person to pinpoint what may have contributed to the condition. What you ingest today, may not affect your body for a few days. When you actually do have the reaction, you tend to attribute it to the last thing you ate.

Food allergens cause a wide range of reactions such as brain fog, gas and bloating, constipation or diarrhea, fluid retention, joint pain, sinus and nasal congestion, acne, eczema, mood swings, headaches, nausea, weight gain and more.

The answer to this is to cut out all inflammatory foods, cleanse and balance the body, then slowly reintroduce foods back into your diet to determine what is causing you problems. There are tests that can determine what foods you are allergic to, but if you are ready to start feeling better, simply eliminate the trouble makers for a couple of weeks and see how you feel.

Although everyone is different, there are some things that irritate the system in almost everyone. These are foods containing gluten (wheat, barley, rye, oats, spelt and kamut), dairy (milk, cheese, butter, yogurt), corn, eggs, soy, nuts, nightshades (tomatoes, bell peppers, potatoes, eggplant), citrus and yeast (baker’s yeast, brewer’s yeast and fermented products). I will add red meat and pork to this list.

As you all know by reading my previous articles, I am a Sunrider and my diet is primarily made up of Sunrider and raw foods, with a few recipes that I still cook. I do not eat red meat or pork. I eat some chicken and fish, but it’s important to get organic, free range chicken and the fish should be wild caught. Halibut, Wild Salmon and Sole are good sources of the Omega -3 oils that we need in our diet. Avoid farm raised fish and predatory fish such as tuna and shark.

I am having so much fun trying new foods. I meet with some of my other Sunrider friends for our “potlucks” and we all bring a raw dish. It is amazing what you can do with food when you use your imagination. Listen, this is not difficult, at all. There are a few ingredients that you haven’t heard of before, but it’s kind of fun to go looking for it.
Once you find them, it is a bit of an accomplishment and then, you find that you almost can’t wait to try your new recipe.

The bottom line is that poor diet is just a bad habit. You can change your diet, quit smoking, start exercising, and eliminate addictions, if you choose to do so. You also know by reading my blogs that I am a hypnotherapist and I can tell you that your behavior can change. Anyone can do it! If you need help with behavior modification, then you may want to contact a hypnotherapist. Take responsibility for your life. Be in control; don’t be controlled by foods, addictions, cravings.

Monday, May 25, 2009

I'm SOY Confused!

When you walk into a health food store, you notice all kinds of products that are made from soy and we have all been led to believe that soy is good for us. Women have been told that is the answer to relief from menopausal symptoms. We also know that many products that we used to get in the dairy section are now being made with soy to give us the non-dairy version, such as soy cheese and soy milk.

The truth is that unless the soy is properly fermented and prepared, it is not fit for human consumption and can create many health risks. Traditionally, the Chinese only ate products made from whole soy beans. When the bean was split into oil and protein, the oil was used as a kerosene type fuel and the protein was used as a fertilizer or animal feed. It was actually only used as animal feed when the goal was to fatten up the animals.

Here are some interesting facts about soy -

  • It is one of the top 8 allergens
  • People have died from soy allergies and people that have an allergy to peanuts are especially vulnerable to soy allergies.
  • Soy has been linked to digestive distress, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders, infertility, birth defects, immune system breakdown, heart disease, cancer and malnutrition.
  • Soy is NOT a miracle food

Soy contains high levels of phytic acid which reduces the assimilation of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. Phytic acid in soy is not neutralized by ordinary preparation methods such as soaking, sprouting and long, slow cooking. High phytate diets have been known to cause growth problems in children.

Trypsin inhibitors in soy interfere with protein digestion and may cause pancreatic disorders. Soy phytoestrogens disrupt endocrine function and have the potential to cause infertility and to promote breast cancer in adult women.

Soy phytoestrogens are potent anti-thyroid agents that cause hypothroidism (under active thyroid) and may cause thyroid cancer. In infants, consumption of soy formula has been linked to autoimmune thyroid disease.

Vitamin B12 analogs in soy are not absorbed and actually increase the body's requirement for B12. Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D

Fragile proteins are denatured during high temperature processing to make soy protein isolate and testured vegetable protein. Processing of soy protein results in the formation of toxic lysinoalanine and highly carcinogenic nitrosamines.

Free glutamic acid or MSG, a potent neurotixin, is formed during soy food processing and additional amounts are added to many soy foods. Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and the kidneys

The problem with most modern soy foods is that they are not fermented to neutralize the toxins in the soybeans and are processed in ways that denature the proteins and increase levels of carcinogens.

Soy foods do not provide a complete protein because, like all legumes, they are deficient in sulfur-containing amino acids called methionine and cystine. Modern processing also denatures the fragile amino acid known as lysine

Many vegan and vegetarian diets include soy as they believe it is a way to get enough vitamin B12, however there is a compound in soy that mimics B12 but cannot be used in the human body; in fact, it causes the body to require more B12

As mentioned above, trypsin inhibitors inhibit protein digestion, affecting pancreatic function and causing stunted growth, as well as pancreatic disorders. Soy foods increase the body's requirement for vitamin D, which is needed for strong bones and normal growth. Phytic acid results in reduced bioavailability of iron and zinc and lacks cholesterol, which are required for the health and development of the brain and nervous system. The phytoestrogens in large doses from soy formulas have been determined to be the cause of premature sexual development in girls or retarded sexual development of boys, which seems to be an upward trend in today's society. Because soy foods cause calcium and Vitamin D deficiencies, it will not prevent osteoporosis.

So, why did we think soy was good for us? Well, documentation about the soybean dates back to 3000 B.C., when the Emperor of China wrote about how the soybean plants were instrumental in the regeneration of soil for future crops. However, he touted the root of the plant,not the bean. Even in these ancient times, it appears that the Chinese knew that the soybeans, in their natural form, were unfit for human consumption. We are now realizing, 5000 years later, that the soybean has antinutritive qualities, unless it is properly fermented.

It was discovered, about 1000 B.C. in China, that when a mold was present on the soybeans, it destroyed all of the toxins and made the nutrients available to the body. That is when they recognized "fermentation" as the process that created foods such as tempeh, miso and natto, which are still popular today.

Several hundred years later, the process was simplified to prepare the soybeans for human consumption. This involved lengthy soaking and cooking, then treating the beans with nigari, which is a substance found in seawater. The result of this process was tofu or bean curd, which the Chinese used as an effective remedy for dieseases, as well as a nutritionally important food.

In the natural state, soybeans contain the phytochemicals, toxic to humans, as nature's way of protecting the soybean plant so that it can live long enough to effectively reproduce. These three major anti-nutrients known as phytates, enzyme inhibitors and goitrogens, are basically the plant's immune system, which protects it from the sun's radiation and from invasions of bacteria, viruses, insects or fungi. These toxins make the plant unappetizing to animals and although all plants have some sort of anti-nutrients, the soybean plant is particularly rich in these properties. If they are not removed by extensive preparation such as fermentation or soaking, they are actually one of the worst foods a human being can eat.

There is so much more information on the dangers of soy, but it takes a lot of time to write it all. I think that I have covered most of the high points here and hopefully cleared up any confusion that you may have. There are many nutritionists and natural foodists out there that think that soy is the way to go for a healthy, plant based diet. Based on this research, they are sadly mistaken. Many people believe that the negative information circulating about soy, originates from people in the dairy industry to scare people into staying away from these products in hopes that they will revert to dairy products. I have read numerous articles about soy and the information just makes way too much sense to be made up.

I am a believer that we should eliminate dairy from our diet anyway, but soy is not the answer for a replacement. There are so many other things available such as cheeses and milks made from nuts and seeds. Many of the whole food stores carry these products or you can learn to make your own. There are many great books available about raw foods and these foods are delicious and actually very easy to prepare. It's like with anything's a change. I find change to be exciting and I look forward to learning more and more. Change is fun!!

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Are you suffering from the severe pain of fibromyalgia? You may be experiencing the symptoms of it and not even know what it is. First, let me tell you what it is and what the symptoms are.

"Fibromyalgia (pronounced fy-bro-my-AL-ja) is a common and complex chronic pain disorder that affects people physically, mentally and socially. It means "pain in the muscles, ligaments, tendons....soft fibrous tissues in the body" Fibromyalgia is a syndrome rather than a disease. Unlike a disease, which is a medical condition with a specific cause or causes and recognizable signs and symptoms, a syndrome is a collection of signs, symptoms, and medical problems that tend to occur together but are not related to a specific, identifiable cause.

Fibromyalgia, which has also been referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome, fibromyositis and fibrositis, is characterized by chronic widespread pain of the musculoskeletal system, multiple tender points, abnormal pain processing, sleep disturbances, fatigue and often psychological distress. For those with severe symptoms, fibromyalgia can be extremely debilitating and interfere with basic daily activities.

So, I have apparently had this for years and didn't even know it. When I was younger, a working mother with a busy schedule, I just thought I was fatigued from having so much on my plate and being under constant stress. No wonder I ached all the time and I always felt like I was coming down with the flu. I thought that I was pretty healthy because I ate "right" and I didn't smoke or drink or go out at night, etc. So, when I always felt like I had the flu, but never really got it, I just figured it was because I was healthy enough to fight it off. I was proud of the fact that I rarely got sick and besides, I just wasn't a complainer.

Later in life, my stress level increased due to my line of work, my kids growing up, financial responsibilities, getting older and all the things that go along with that, such as health issues, aging parents, etc. I felt terrible all the time. My back ached non-stop. I was tired all the time. I was gaining weight like crazy, couldn't sleep, my intestines were constantly twisting and turning, making horrible noises, gas, bloating, intense heartburn with acid reflux, headaches, hot flashes, sweating and so on. I assumed it was stress and menopause and there was nothing I could do about it. I was already on hormone patches, so I guess it's just part of life.

I do believe that people come in and out of our lives for various reasons and when they do, we always learn something from them. Sometimes, it takes a while to figure out what some people really do for us when it wasn't necessarily a pleasant visit, but trust me, something will come out of it.

I met a woman who worked for a group of naturopaths that specifically worked with menopausal women in need of bio-identical hormones. I had heard about this listening to Suzanne Somers. I was interested in it, but never knew what to do. Since my own family doctor was A) a man and B) an older man who needs to retire and just play golf, I had given up on even wasting my time to go in. I had told him on several occasions that something was wrong and that I didn't feel well. I would explain my symptoms and all I got was "well, you are at that age....." and "you sound depressed, let me give you an anti-depressant". When I told him what I thought was wrong, he wanted to know who was the doctor here. I don't know, I had wondered that very thing myself. He didn't like the fact that I was researching my symptoms on the internet and self-diagnosing. If he had listened to me, I wouldn't have gotten worse, because it just so happened I was right. This woman gave me a "saliva test" kit and told me to send it in to the lab when I was done collecting the specimens and that I would receive a consultation, free, from a naturopath. I have actually been studying alternative healing for some time. In fact, I am a hypnotherapist, so this idea was actually very appealing to me.

In a few days, she called me and told me that my hormones were way out of balance, but I had other issues. My biggest problem was underactive thyroid. She put me on a natual thyroid medicine and prescribed me a compound of hormones and I felt much better in the first week.

My aching and feeling like I had the flu continued. Again, I assumed it was because I worked long hours in a stressful work environement, which didn't allow for a lunch break or any other breaks throughout the day, so I wasn't eating right and wasn't drinking enough water. My inability to sleep was something that I thought had to do with my work, as well. I don't know why I spent so many years in this business when it was killing me, but it just is one of those things.

Long story short, I eventually went to a gastroenterologist because my IBS symptoms had worsened to the point that it was difficult to go to work. I was uncomfortable meeting with clients when my guts were constantly rumbling, twisting, churning and I would have gas, bloating and sudden diarreah. He ran many tests on me to rule out several things and came to the conclusion that I simply had IBS. He said that the good news was that I wouldn't die from it, but I would live a long time being miserable and annoyed by it. Hmmmm, GREAT!! I asked him what would cause the flu-like symptoms with the terrible aching and fatigue. He said it was fibromyalgia, which was always present with IBS. He said it in a tone like I should have known that! I asked him what I could do for it and he told me there was nothing I could do because nobody knows what causes it and there is no cure. He said I would learn to live with it. Ok, so I went away thinking he's the doctor, I guess he knows.

I didn't know that the pain was going to get progressively worse to the point that I could barely walk and I could barely use my hands. I had gotten laid off from my job (which really was a blessing), but couldn't even fathom how I was going to go interview when I walked like I was crippled and my hands would barely move and I had bags under my eyes, to name a few things. I was getting depressed and scared and ready to give up.

If you read my other blogs, you will know where this story is headed. I found my miracle, purely by accident. I had heard about it months earlier and ignored it because I thought someone was trying to get me involved in an MLM and I had spent enough money on these things, only to give up and be out my money.

I had another friend who was very ill with some serious issues and had finally given in to try these foods. When I saw her after just a few weeks, I noticed something different. I didn't know at this point, that she had been eating these foods, but when I mentioned that she looked like she was feeling better, she told me what she had been doing. I started to try to get away from her because I felt a sales pitch coming on. I was at a health and wellness expo when I saw her and our other friend was giving samples. I took a sample of one of the drinks and I can't explain the feeling that I had a few minutes later, but it was a calmness or peacefulness. It was something that I noticed, but couldn't put my finger on and certainly wasn't about to give credit to the product. I was sure there was an explanation for it.

Later that year, I was unemployed, still looking for work, feeling worse and I couldn't even pick up a tea cup because of the pain in my hands. I thought it was arthritis or carpal tunnel or who knows. I started researching it on the internet and realized it was the fibromyalgia that the doctor had told me about. I hadn't given it a thought again until then. I called my friend and told her I needed help now. I didn't care if I had to spend my last couple of dollars, I couldn't go on like this.

She guided me along so that I could stay within my budget and get some relief. I bought the very basics and two days later, my order arrived. I called her and told her I had it and she told me exactly what to do. I swear on a stack of Bibles, that within the first few days, I noticed my energy level was way up, I was sleeping very soundly and waking up rested and refreshed and I could feel the pain draining from my body. It was like the pain was "moving out". I had no symptoms of IBS. For the first time in years and years, I wasn't bloated and gassy and I was regular. I had dropped a few pounds, which was mostly water, but I felt absolutely NEW. It wasn't just a good feeling, it was the most amazing feeling ever in my life! I knew this was it and I couldn't imagine ever being without this wonderful, miraculous food. It is now my way of life, coupled with a healthy diet of mostly raw foods. I am not a fanatic and am not suggesting that everyone has to get into the raw diet. It's something I have chosen because I know how great I feel.

Listen, I was a red meat eater. Loved it and told my husband that I could never be a vegetarian or vegan, because I couldn't imagine not having a juicy, rare steak or prime rid or lamb and I loved coffee and enjoyed just sitting with a cup of it or a latte' and wouldn't give it up. Well, I no longer eat red meat, very little of any meat, absolutely no coffee and very little dairy. As for dairy, the only thing I still have is a little bit of sour cream here and there and a little cheese once in a while. I do use real butter because it is neutral on the ph scale and although it is an animal product, most plant based spreads are soy products, which are not good for us like we've been told and certainly margarines are out of the question. Margarine is basically "plastic". Milk is so bad for you. It literally leeches the calcium from your bones, rather than what we've always been told. It is full of antibiotics, hormones, steroids and uric acid that is released by the animal during times of stress. When we drink milk or eat the meat of an animal, we are ingesting all of that into our bodies and it's throwing off our own systems.

I have a great newsletter with all kinds of valuable information and if you would like to receive a copy, please send me your email address and I will get one out to you.

I am an Independent Business Owner affiliated with Sunrider International, who has been around for over 25 yrs, worldwide. I am a hypnotherapist and wellness coach. I know that it is a fact that your body was designed to heal itself, as long as it is in proper balance, receives the proper nutrition and is properly cleansed. Even if you think you are on a healthy diet, chances are, you are not. The American diet is not a healthy one and it's killing us.

Since starting on Sunrider Foods, I am pain free, I sleep through the night, wake up refreshed, I have energy like never before, I feel a sense of peace and harmony, as well as feeling aligned and balanced. My mind is clear and I am able to cope with anything that comes along in my daily life.

If you are suffering from any kind of pain, illness or disorder, call me today for a free consultation. I am not a licensed nutritionist, but I have studied a lot about health and I know the Sunrider products are absolutely the best on earth. They are whole, pure, original species, concentrated and above all, LIVE!! The American diet is chock full of dead, cooked, processed and unhealthy chemical and altered stuff.

Contact me for more me at or call me at (480) 329-3588 and leave a message and I will get back to you asap.

Take control of your life TODAY!!! No need to suffer one more day!

Friday, February 20, 2009

With 2008 being such a financially rough year, I had stopped eating my Sunrider foods. I would say that I probably stopped in October or November, but may have had a little Calli tea left and finished it up before Christmas.
For a couple of weeks prior to Christmas, I felt like I had a sinus infection. I felt the pressure in my head and face. I felt like I was talking in a tunnel. I was way too busy at work to take any time off, as we had just taken on a ton of files from a new home auction. I had just hoped the sinus thing would go away all by itself. Of course, it didn't and I ended up feeling really bad by New Year's eve. I was glad to have the next day off work and a weekend. I figured that would be plenty of time to rest and recuperate. I felt terrible the whole weekend, but went to work the following Monday, anyway. It turned into a flu-like thing and then of course, it went into my chest. I went to the doctor and he said that I had an upper respiratory infection and prescribed me antibiotics.
I know the harm that antibiotics can cause and I just couldn't bring myself to take them. Although, against my better judgement, I had resorted to taking some over the counter medication, such as Tylenol and Mucinex, just for some comfort. I have to say that it did virtually nothing for me and I decided that if these things weren't relieving the symptoms and I wasn't getting well, why would I want to continue putting these chemicals into my body? I finally decided to place a Sunrider order. I got some NuPlus, Quinary, Calli and Fortune, Conco for the respiratory system, Goldenseal and Alpha 20C. I had known since I stopped eating Sunrider, that my body was starving for proper nourishment and I just hadn't been myself. I had no energy, I wasn't sleeping well, I was craving stuff that I hadn't wanted in a long, long time and here I was, sick with a respiratory issue. I hadn't had a respiratory or any other illness in so long! I immediately began eating my NuPlus, twice a day with Quinary. I ate the Conco and Goldenseal twice a day and I was drinking the Calli, Fortune and Alpha 20 C on a regular basis. The Alpha 20 C is wonderful made with hot (not boiling) water and a little VitaFruit in it. It's very healing and also very soothing when you are not feeling well. Within two days, I was on the mend. I could feel the congestion breaking up and moving on. I was finally able to sleep without coughing. I had started my new job on the 12th of January, so I couldn't take time off work. I had to keep going. If I had never stopped eating Sunrider, I am convinced that I wouldn't have even gotten sick in the first place. However, since I did get sick, as soon as my body began to receive the nourishment again, I was able to keep on going and I feel great right now.
I can't say enough about this miraculous food. There is nothing else like it. You couldn't go to the store and buy all of the ingredients in the Sunrider foods and even if you could, you wouldn't be able to eat enough to equal what is in these convenient packages.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Happy New Year

Happy 2009 Everyone

I believe this is going to be a great year. I believe it is the year of new beginnings. We will see many changes over the next few months and we will emerge stonger than ever.

I had spent many years involved in the real estate industry, primarily working in escrow. In late 2007, my office was closed due to the downturn in the real estate market. After I was laid off, rather than feeling worried, anxious or upset, I found myself feeling liberated and alive. I had made the decision never to go back to this type of work and to take this opportunity to seek out what it was I really wanted to do. Over the years, I had been studying the healing arts, while on my spiritual journey. I became a certified hypnotist a couple of years ago and had began feeling more and more trapped in my job because I knew I was unhappy and I wasn't doing what I really loved doing. My office closing and subsequent lay off was a blessing in disguise. I suddenly felt so at peace and I wasn't at all worried about money or anything in my material world. I focused on getting my hypnotherapy business launched and was so happy to finally have the time to devote to it.

From all of the years in a very stressful job, my health had taken a bit of downturn and although I had been seeing a doctor, I now had to give that up because, for the first time in my life, I didn't have medical insurance. I was introduced to Sunrider and although I had intended to just smile and listen and not get involved with anything like this, I found myself becoming more and more interested in listening to the information and before I knew it, I had signed up and had received my first order of these amazing food products. I began eating the Sunrider foods in December 2007 because I was really feeling terrible by this time and I was getting very worried that something was really wrong with me. It was December 18, 2007 and I will never forget it because that was the day that I got my life back.

I knew within the first couple of days that something was different. I don't know how to explain the intense feeling of well being that I was experiencing, but I liked it. Within a month, I had noticed the pain that had been plaguing me in my feet, legs, hands and elbows was leaving my body and I could feel it leaving. It wasn't just that it wasn't there, I could feel it leaving! I was sleeping for the first time in years and waking up feeling rested and ready to go. I was losing weight around my middle and everything was changing. I was aware of everything from then on that I put in my body and everything in my environment that I didn't want in my life. I didn't realize how bad I had felt, until I started feeling great and then I knew how bad it had gotten. I had just learned to live with it and I had accepted it. I will never accept feeling poor health again because I know that I don't have to.

I know that the human body was designed to heal itself as long as we properly nourish, cleanse and balance it. I know that disease and degeneration is all caused from bad foods, environment and issues. I know that just because some things in our environment are out of our control, we can take steps toward protecting ourselves from these things.

I am the one who said I would "never" be a vegetarian.........because I love meat. I said I would "never" be a vegan because I love too many foods and could "never" limit myself like that and I also said I would "never" go back to working in the industry that I was in for so many years. Well, as they say..........NEVER say NEVER!! I am almost 100% raw foodist, which blows the vegans and vegetarians away. I haven't had coffee in over a year. I have had no red meat, pork, very little chicken and very little fish since I started on Sunrider. I don't desire these things, I don't crave them, I don't even think about them. I thought it would be a struggle, like withdrawals or something, especially with the coffee. I drink a pot of Calli tea every morning and since day one, I haven't wanted coffee.

You know, there is so much to say about Sunrider. It is a wonderful company, they sell amazing products, it has given me back my life, it can be a business opportunity if you are looking for one, and there are some amazing people with amazing stories involved in this company. My wish is that everyone would just try it and see for themselves. I can never imagine my life without my Sunrider. I love my foods for the taste, the convenience and how it makes me look and feel. The skin care line is awesome, too. All plant based, natural and organic products.

My side story is that I received a call this summer from a friend. She asked me if I would be interested in coming to work for her on a contract basis for 30 days. She is in the escrow business and they were inundated with auction-foreclosure transactions. I agreed to help her out. It was short-term, little to no committent and I told her that I wouldn't do more than 30 days. Well, I ended up staying for 7 months. Having been away from this work for more than 9 months, made me realize how stressful it really was and that it no longer fit into my life. It went against everything that I am about. I am about positive thinking and relaxation and gratitude, not to mention healthy eating and taking care of myself. This environment was filled with unhealthy, negative people. I had always known that there were a lot of this, but didn't realize the degree of it until I went back much more enlightened. I don't think I could name one person who had a nice thing to say about anything or anyone, not one person who was happy with their job or themselves or their lives in general. The majority of the people were overweight and they would order fast foods every day for lunch and wash it down with their sodas, after having cup after cup of coffee throughout the morning. They were eating from the vending machines. They would eat donuts, pastries, cakes, pies, bagels every morning. At the end of each month, the company would supply lunch. Most of the time it consisted of pizza, sodas and some desserts or they would bring in sandwiches made from cold cuts, chips, more sodas and of course, dessert. Everyone constantly complained about how tired they were, how their joints ached, how they didn't sleep last night, how their stomach hurt and they had diarreah and gas and blah, blah, blah........Do you see where I'm going with this? I heard this whining and griping day in and day out and watched them continue to do this.........and by the way, this was in between their smoking breaks! What an unpleasant, unhealthy life this is. I had to get out. I couldn't change them all and I couldn't take it any longer. The 7 months was way too long and had there been another opportunity sooner, I would not have stayed the 7 months. Yesterday was my last day. I am free. I plan to put together a free program and some day go back and present it to everyone and maybe as an outsider they will listen and they will save their own lives.

If you are interested in learning more about Sunrider or any of the things that I have mentioned here, please email me and I will be happy to get back with you.