Sunday, March 29, 2009


Are you suffering from the severe pain of fibromyalgia? You may be experiencing the symptoms of it and not even know what it is. First, let me tell you what it is and what the symptoms are.

"Fibromyalgia (pronounced fy-bro-my-AL-ja) is a common and complex chronic pain disorder that affects people physically, mentally and socially. It means "pain in the muscles, ligaments, tendons....soft fibrous tissues in the body" Fibromyalgia is a syndrome rather than a disease. Unlike a disease, which is a medical condition with a specific cause or causes and recognizable signs and symptoms, a syndrome is a collection of signs, symptoms, and medical problems that tend to occur together but are not related to a specific, identifiable cause.

Fibromyalgia, which has also been referred to as fibromyalgia syndrome, fibromyositis and fibrositis, is characterized by chronic widespread pain of the musculoskeletal system, multiple tender points, abnormal pain processing, sleep disturbances, fatigue and often psychological distress. For those with severe symptoms, fibromyalgia can be extremely debilitating and interfere with basic daily activities.

So, I have apparently had this for years and didn't even know it. When I was younger, a working mother with a busy schedule, I just thought I was fatigued from having so much on my plate and being under constant stress. No wonder I ached all the time and I always felt like I was coming down with the flu. I thought that I was pretty healthy because I ate "right" and I didn't smoke or drink or go out at night, etc. So, when I always felt like I had the flu, but never really got it, I just figured it was because I was healthy enough to fight it off. I was proud of the fact that I rarely got sick and besides, I just wasn't a complainer.

Later in life, my stress level increased due to my line of work, my kids growing up, financial responsibilities, getting older and all the things that go along with that, such as health issues, aging parents, etc. I felt terrible all the time. My back ached non-stop. I was tired all the time. I was gaining weight like crazy, couldn't sleep, my intestines were constantly twisting and turning, making horrible noises, gas, bloating, intense heartburn with acid reflux, headaches, hot flashes, sweating and so on. I assumed it was stress and menopause and there was nothing I could do about it. I was already on hormone patches, so I guess it's just part of life.

I do believe that people come in and out of our lives for various reasons and when they do, we always learn something from them. Sometimes, it takes a while to figure out what some people really do for us when it wasn't necessarily a pleasant visit, but trust me, something will come out of it.

I met a woman who worked for a group of naturopaths that specifically worked with menopausal women in need of bio-identical hormones. I had heard about this listening to Suzanne Somers. I was interested in it, but never knew what to do. Since my own family doctor was A) a man and B) an older man who needs to retire and just play golf, I had given up on even wasting my time to go in. I had told him on several occasions that something was wrong and that I didn't feel well. I would explain my symptoms and all I got was "well, you are at that age....." and "you sound depressed, let me give you an anti-depressant". When I told him what I thought was wrong, he wanted to know who was the doctor here. I don't know, I had wondered that very thing myself. He didn't like the fact that I was researching my symptoms on the internet and self-diagnosing. If he had listened to me, I wouldn't have gotten worse, because it just so happened I was right. This woman gave me a "saliva test" kit and told me to send it in to the lab when I was done collecting the specimens and that I would receive a consultation, free, from a naturopath. I have actually been studying alternative healing for some time. In fact, I am a hypnotherapist, so this idea was actually very appealing to me.

In a few days, she called me and told me that my hormones were way out of balance, but I had other issues. My biggest problem was underactive thyroid. She put me on a natual thyroid medicine and prescribed me a compound of hormones and I felt much better in the first week.

My aching and feeling like I had the flu continued. Again, I assumed it was because I worked long hours in a stressful work environement, which didn't allow for a lunch break or any other breaks throughout the day, so I wasn't eating right and wasn't drinking enough water. My inability to sleep was something that I thought had to do with my work, as well. I don't know why I spent so many years in this business when it was killing me, but it just is one of those things.

Long story short, I eventually went to a gastroenterologist because my IBS symptoms had worsened to the point that it was difficult to go to work. I was uncomfortable meeting with clients when my guts were constantly rumbling, twisting, churning and I would have gas, bloating and sudden diarreah. He ran many tests on me to rule out several things and came to the conclusion that I simply had IBS. He said that the good news was that I wouldn't die from it, but I would live a long time being miserable and annoyed by it. Hmmmm, GREAT!! I asked him what would cause the flu-like symptoms with the terrible aching and fatigue. He said it was fibromyalgia, which was always present with IBS. He said it in a tone like I should have known that! I asked him what I could do for it and he told me there was nothing I could do because nobody knows what causes it and there is no cure. He said I would learn to live with it. Ok, so I went away thinking he's the doctor, I guess he knows.

I didn't know that the pain was going to get progressively worse to the point that I could barely walk and I could barely use my hands. I had gotten laid off from my job (which really was a blessing), but couldn't even fathom how I was going to go interview when I walked like I was crippled and my hands would barely move and I had bags under my eyes, to name a few things. I was getting depressed and scared and ready to give up.

If you read my other blogs, you will know where this story is headed. I found my miracle, purely by accident. I had heard about it months earlier and ignored it because I thought someone was trying to get me involved in an MLM and I had spent enough money on these things, only to give up and be out my money.

I had another friend who was very ill with some serious issues and had finally given in to try these foods. When I saw her after just a few weeks, I noticed something different. I didn't know at this point, that she had been eating these foods, but when I mentioned that she looked like she was feeling better, she told me what she had been doing. I started to try to get away from her because I felt a sales pitch coming on. I was at a health and wellness expo when I saw her and our other friend was giving samples. I took a sample of one of the drinks and I can't explain the feeling that I had a few minutes later, but it was a calmness or peacefulness. It was something that I noticed, but couldn't put my finger on and certainly wasn't about to give credit to the product. I was sure there was an explanation for it.

Later that year, I was unemployed, still looking for work, feeling worse and I couldn't even pick up a tea cup because of the pain in my hands. I thought it was arthritis or carpal tunnel or who knows. I started researching it on the internet and realized it was the fibromyalgia that the doctor had told me about. I hadn't given it a thought again until then. I called my friend and told her I needed help now. I didn't care if I had to spend my last couple of dollars, I couldn't go on like this.

She guided me along so that I could stay within my budget and get some relief. I bought the very basics and two days later, my order arrived. I called her and told her I had it and she told me exactly what to do. I swear on a stack of Bibles, that within the first few days, I noticed my energy level was way up, I was sleeping very soundly and waking up rested and refreshed and I could feel the pain draining from my body. It was like the pain was "moving out". I had no symptoms of IBS. For the first time in years and years, I wasn't bloated and gassy and I was regular. I had dropped a few pounds, which was mostly water, but I felt absolutely NEW. It wasn't just a good feeling, it was the most amazing feeling ever in my life! I knew this was it and I couldn't imagine ever being without this wonderful, miraculous food. It is now my way of life, coupled with a healthy diet of mostly raw foods. I am not a fanatic and am not suggesting that everyone has to get into the raw diet. It's something I have chosen because I know how great I feel.

Listen, I was a red meat eater. Loved it and told my husband that I could never be a vegetarian or vegan, because I couldn't imagine not having a juicy, rare steak or prime rid or lamb and I loved coffee and enjoyed just sitting with a cup of it or a latte' and wouldn't give it up. Well, I no longer eat red meat, very little of any meat, absolutely no coffee and very little dairy. As for dairy, the only thing I still have is a little bit of sour cream here and there and a little cheese once in a while. I do use real butter because it is neutral on the ph scale and although it is an animal product, most plant based spreads are soy products, which are not good for us like we've been told and certainly margarines are out of the question. Margarine is basically "plastic". Milk is so bad for you. It literally leeches the calcium from your bones, rather than what we've always been told. It is full of antibiotics, hormones, steroids and uric acid that is released by the animal during times of stress. When we drink milk or eat the meat of an animal, we are ingesting all of that into our bodies and it's throwing off our own systems.

I have a great newsletter with all kinds of valuable information and if you would like to receive a copy, please send me your email address and I will get one out to you.

I am an Independent Business Owner affiliated with Sunrider International, who has been around for over 25 yrs, worldwide. I am a hypnotherapist and wellness coach. I know that it is a fact that your body was designed to heal itself, as long as it is in proper balance, receives the proper nutrition and is properly cleansed. Even if you think you are on a healthy diet, chances are, you are not. The American diet is not a healthy one and it's killing us.

Since starting on Sunrider Foods, I am pain free, I sleep through the night, wake up refreshed, I have energy like never before, I feel a sense of peace and harmony, as well as feeling aligned and balanced. My mind is clear and I am able to cope with anything that comes along in my daily life.

If you are suffering from any kind of pain, illness or disorder, call me today for a free consultation. I am not a licensed nutritionist, but I have studied a lot about health and I know the Sunrider products are absolutely the best on earth. They are whole, pure, original species, concentrated and above all, LIVE!! The American diet is chock full of dead, cooked, processed and unhealthy chemical and altered stuff.

Contact me for more me at or call me at (480) 329-3588 and leave a message and I will get back to you asap.

Take control of your life TODAY!!! No need to suffer one more day!

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