Monday, November 15, 2010

QuantumPathic Energy Method (QPEM)

In November 2009, I attended a free introduction to find out about a method of healing that I had seen at a healing fair a few days earlier.

As soon as the introduction was over, I was so amazed that I signed up to take the first course. In the first weekend of the 40-hour intensive, I knew I desired more. I have been with the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness in Scottsdale, AZ ever since. I have been training to become a facilitator and teacher.

After one of the classes, we were asked a few questions and given some time to consider them. I had forgotten that I wrote this, but it was actually published in this week’s newsletter. After reading it, it reminded me of how far I had come this past year and it certainly made me realize where I am today. What a difference this has made in my life.

After reading this, I invite you to go to the website at and read all about this method. Take time to read the published articles and testimonials. It doesn’t matter where you live; you are as close as a plane ride, a phone call or even Skype. The courses are life changing. Nothing is holding you back, but you!

How Can I Apply What I Know Now?

I apply it to my life every day. I look at things differently. I do not react; I do not participate in things that do not serve me or interest me; I do not get involved in anyone's trauma dramas. I am clear about what it is I require, desire and deserve. I am conscious, creating newness.

What difference will this info make in my life?

All of the above and I am a conscious creator. I am looking forward to continuing to create newness in my life. I am only going to do what I choose to do and no programs will stop me.

Why does the QPEM support me to heal myself emotionally, spiritually, physically, mentally and financially?

There are two major things that will degenerate the body from the cellular level and those things are issues and food! We can change our eating habits, environment, etc, but if the issues, based upon years and lifetimes of programming are not released, then nothing else in the whole universe will make a difference.

The human body not only has the innate ability to heal itself, it has the ability to resist disease altogether, but only if it is free of destructive programming. By cutting the bands to these programs, I am freeing myself of limiting thinking and counter-productive behavior so that I can begin here and now to LIVE life to its fullest, not just exist in someone else's idea of a world.

I can now get back to taking care of me and giving my body what it requires to thrive. As a clear, conscious, creative, joyful, healthy person, I am a gift to others who choose to find out what it is that I have to offer. For those who do not choose to change their life, OH WELL!!! It is time for them to fall away, as they do not serve me. I only choose what is in my highest and best interest.

Am I amazed by myself?

Yes, however, I have almost always known there was something more to me. I kept it inside for fear of being different or being criticized. I have spent a lot of time going along for the ride just to keep peace; consequently, doing a lot of things that I didn't really desire to do and missing a lot of opportunities to experience things that would have better served me. I am grateful for having found QPEM, as it has brought me back to life, consciously aware of what I desire to do for the rest of my life. I am an amazing person, worthy of all that I desire and deserve!

Kim McDermott/2010

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh My ... Candida!

When I decided to write a blog about Candida, the old Tony Orlando song kept popping into my head. It made me wonder who the heck would name their kid Candida? It's basically a yeast infection gone wild. I even went and googled Tony Orlando songs to make sure that Candida was the name of the song and sure is.

Anyway, the reason I bring up Candida is because of a recent issue with my husband's health. He was deployed to the Gulf of Mexico during the oil spill. He ended up stationed in Mississippi. Within two days of his arrival, he got sick with body aches, fever, chills, respiratory congestion and all symptoms mimicked the flu. He went to a local doctor and after a brief exam, the doctor prescribed him a Z-Pack and some kind of expectorant and gave him an injection of some steroid. He told him to get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. Well, that's what they always say.

My husband had no choice but to go back to work. He said by that afternoon, he felt much better. That lasted about a day and a half and the symptoms returned. He was telling me all about it on the phone and I told him that I felt that he had some type of virus or fungus and that the antibiotics were not the answer. He told me that his throat was so sore that he could barely swallow and the uvula had swollen so much that he felt as if he was swallowing it. I told him not to take any more antibiotics because he was compromising his immune system. He told me how bad the mold and mildew was down there and with the extreme heat and humidity, I was sure that he was suffering from these spores. I sent him some Thieves, which is a blended essential oil that has amazing curative properties. He did use the oil and the lozenges and he said that it helped his throat and chest a lot. He continued to have symptoms and returned to the doctor. Once again, a Z-Pack and some little vials of some kind of something and another shot! Oh and one more time....same thing. Ok, now we are looking at 3 rounds of super duper antiobiotics in less than a month, 3 shots of some steroid and a bunch of vials of whatever and he's still sick! Come on, this isn't rocket science. This doctor apparently didn't know how to go to the next step. Common sense should tell you that if the antibiotics didn't do anything the first time, it wasn't bacterial!!

Well, now he's home and back in dry, old Phoenix. I took one look at him and told him that he had a fungus or spore issue like I said before. He had scheduled an appointment with a doctor and I made him cancel it. I told him that he was going to go to a new guy and tell him the same story and get the same thing. I told him to go to the internet and look up Candida. Not sure why, but it was my intuition. He started researching it and lo and behold, he told me he thinks he has had this most of his life. As a young adult, he was put on several rounds of antibiotics for systemic acne. Over the years, he has had a couple of serious bouts of respiratory issues, including pneumonia and has been hospitalized. Looking back now, I can see where this has been an issue all along.

We found some products that claim to actually kill the yeast. This is important because so many products will ease symptoms, but doesn't actually kill it. You have to kill it so you are rid of it once and for all. Meanwhile, it is important to eliminate sugar, simple carbs like breads and potatoes, processed foods, dairy, alcohol, etc. These foods will feed the yeast and make it worse.

They symptoms are too many to list here, but go to and read all of the information they have in this website. These people have researched after years of suffering with it and they have found what will work. We ordered their products and since he began following the program a week ago, he feels amazingly better. He can tell that the congestion is clearing up in his chest and sinuses and he no longer has these flu-like symptoms.

Unless you go to a naturopath or holistic doctor, the chances of a conventional medical doctor even suspecting Candida are slim to none. It is not something that is part of their standard protocol.

While reading this, please read some of my other posts. The one on inflammation is very interesting, too. I honestly feel that most people, particularly in America are suffering from both inflammation and Candida. It is so simple to get rid of and take charge of your own life. If you've read my posts about Sunrider, you know that the body has the innate ability to heal itself if given the proper nutrition, properly balanced and if it can properly eliminate. Sunrider foods are the bomb! I have tried all the other stuff out there and was ready to walk away from the person trying to tell me about it because I had been duped so many times. Sunrider is the real deal. You eat Sunrider foods and take care of your issues from the cellular level and you will live the life that you deserve to live. We all know that the human body isn't designed to last forever, but there is not one rule anywhere that says you have to age and fall apart, suffering with pain and disease, just so you can expire. You deserve to be happy, healthy and feel good for as long as you are on this earth!

To your health and happiness,


It's Finally Fall!

As I walked out onto the patio this morning, I felt the whoosh of a cool breeze as it gently brushed my face. Not only is fall in the air, but so is the relief from the past several months. Everyone knows it's hot in Phoenix, right? Well, I have lived here a really long time and I know I'm getting older, but I just can't take the heat and for that matter, the humidity. We seem to have a lot more humidity here than ever before. We have storm systems building up all around us and all we get is the humidity. Some areas of the valley get a lot of rain and wind damage. We even experienced several tornadoes in the northern part of the state this year, as well as a huge hailstorm.

I just spent a wonderful weekend in the foothills of the Appalachians in Northern Georgia. It was a reunion with a dear friend that I haven't seen in 35 years. She and her husband have a lovely weekend home in a very quaint little town known as Ellijay. I had a fabulous time reminiscing with her and enjoying every minute of the perfect weather and beautiful scenery. Her home sits atop a hill surrounded by tons of trees and bordered by a river.

I loved sitting down on the dock just listening to the sound of the river, the rustling of the trees, the chirping of the birds and the crunching of the leaves from the little squirrels that were hopping from tree to tree. It was a slice of heaven. The only real noise was the acorns dropping from the trees, hitting the tin roof or bouncing down the hill through the leaves. Even the locals said that the acorns were crazy this year.

It was Apple Festival time, so the little town was flooded with tourists and the traffic was bad. We both decided to stay in for the most part to avoid the crowds. We did manage to get into town for a bit and stopped to have some iced tea. We visited a few vendor booths before heading down to the Christmas House. What a lovely place. It's an old home turned into a magical Christmas shop. There is every kind of decoration you could imagine and some you would never think of. The people that decorate those trees are so creative!

We did visit a couple of the apple orchards and went into the town of Blue Ridge. If I had more time, we would have taken the train ride. I will save that for next time! We sat downtown and enjoyed a latte, visited a couple of shops and headed back to her place for grilled oysters and shrimp! The food was delicious and I was absolutely spoiled!

As you can imagine, I didn't want to leave. I am so grateful for having had this opportunity not only to see my dear friend and her husband, but to visit such a lovely and serene place.

Rekindling old friendships and finding peace is truly a key to regenerating your life.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Creating the Life You Deserve

Are you sick and tired of feeling sick and tired? Are you spending a lot of time and energy trying to find yourself?
Why not stop TRYING to find yourself and just CREATE a new YOU? Take charge of your life! Stop giving up your power. You are the only one that can create your own newness.

Two things in life that will make you or break you are issues and improper nutrition. We are made up of trillions of cells. Years of stress, trauma and poor nutrition will destroy these cells. We will degenerate from the inside out. By the time you start looking aged and tired, your insides are really in bad shape. You have to reverse this degeneration from the cellular level.

So how do you do this? Well, it's really very simple! You must first make the CHOICE to take back your power and be in charge of your life. Then, you must change your daily fare (I hate the word DIET because the first 3 letters spell "DIE" and they never work long-term anyway) and simultaneously, you must get to the core of the issues that you have stored in your cellular memory.

Let's start with the nutrition. The typical "diet", particularly in America, is filled with genetically modified, processed foods that are chocked full of chemicals and contaminants, and highly acidic. Good food is not even good food any more. It is getting nearly impossible to find really good food. By this, I mean whole, organic, chemical free, nutritious, live foods! Even our fresh fruits and vegetables, including those labeled "organic" are not what they should be. Our fresh fruits and vegetables are not necessarily all that fresh and they certainly lack nutrition. Our soil, water and air has been so compromised with commercial farming, pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and pollution. There is virtually no top soil to speak of. The plants grow, but they do not contain nearly the vitamins and minerals that they used to. It would take nearly 190 carrots, today to get the amount of beta carotene that we used get from one carrot, 50 years ago. Who can eat that much? We can eat and eat and eat all of the fruits and vegetables that we can stuff in our face and never even come close to meeting our daily requirement of essential nutrients.

So, just becoming a vegan or vegetarian is not the answer. Giving up meat and dairy is a great thing, but how can you still get the proper nutrition? The answer is Sunrider Foods. I have been a Sunrider for 3 years and I will tell you that it is the best food on the planet. It is all plant based foods which are grown, harvested and prepared in optimum conditions. The food is whole, enzymatically active, organic and completely chemical free. There is nothing like it available anywhere else. No other company has anything comparable. I've tried them all.

It's time to stop wasting your money on processed foods, nutritionally deficient produce, hormone and antibiotic laden meats and dairy (which, by the way, are totally acidic foods) and isolated vitamins and minerals purchased in health food stores!

You see, when you buy a vitamin or mineral, you are buying an isolated vitamin, which means that it has been extracted from a food that started out whole. As a whole food, the vitamin worked synergistically with all of the other properties of that whole food.....THE WAY NATURE INTENDED!!! Once that whole food is broken down, it is no longer a whole food. It becomes a genetically modified chemical and they all cause "side effects". In addition, the extracted vitamin or mineral is then combined with fillers, so when you take one or two capsules or tablets, you are really only getting a small percentage of the product anyway and you are adding "fillers" into your system. Why would you want to do that???

Sunrider is WHOLE FOODS! What you pay for is what you get! Sunrider foods are based on the philosophy of regeneration not supplementation! We have spent years degenerating our bodies from the cellular level and so the opposite of that is to regenerate! NOURISH, CLEANSE, BALANCE!! It's that simple. Every BODY is different, but every BODY has one thing in knows how to balance itself and achieve homeostasis! However, the body can't do what it is designed to do, unless it is properly nourished, so that it can cleanse and balance.

Sunrider is a 29 year old company, in 42 countries around the world and owner expertise. Sunrider foods are of the highest quality, properly combined, highly concentrated and formulated to nourish all the right areas of the body. These foods are pure, no fillers, imperial grade with lots of variety. Oh, and did I mention the convenience?? These foods take all of the guess work out of it! You don't have to think about whether or not you are getting everything you need and you don't have to cook, prepare or even decide what to make. It's so easy. So here's the deal, you don't have to work hard at it and you get tons of energy and your body is totally healthy! What's not to like? Oh yeah and it's DELICIOUS!!!!!!

I'm telling you, it has changed my life completely. As much as I hate that phrase because it's so over used on every infomercial that is selling the latest miracle pill or contraption, but I don't know how else to say it!!! I am pain free, take no medications, feel more fit than ever in my life and I swear, I'm getting younger!!!!

In my next blog, I will address the ISSUES! The issues are simply programs that we have been running or more appropriately, have been running us! They are stored in our cellular memory and once we have recognized them and made a choice to release them if they no longer serve us, then we become clear and conscious creators of newness.

If you have questions, please email me at or feel free to reply to this blog. I would love to get you started on Sunrider foods today. In fact, this is a great time to get started! The prices are the lowest that they have ever been. Sunrider has recognized that these are tough times for people and we don't want anyone to compromise their health and well being. There is no obligation to sell anything. 95% of all Sunriders are customers, purchasing the foods for their own consumption. You NEVER have to do anything else!

Monday, February 15, 2010


Did you know that aspartame is poison? It contains wood alcohol and when it reaches 88 degrees farenheit, it converts to formaldehyde. It then converts to formic acid, which is the same poison found in the sting of fire ants. Formic acid causes a condition known as metabolic acidosis. This methanol toxicity mimics the symptoms of multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus. Many people are being diagnosed and treated for illnesses that they do not have. Not only are they taking drugs for something they don't even have, they are also experiencing many side affects caused from the drugs. Often, the side affects are worse than the original diagnosis.

Although MS and Lupus are not necessarily death sentences, methanol toxicity is. Lupus is becoming as common as multiple sclerosis. The patient isn't even aware of the dangers of artificial sweeeeners. They continue to drink diet sodas and ingest diet foods laden with these chemicals. In the event that the disease may already exist, these chemicals will take the disease to a life threatening stage.

Symptoms of methanol toxicity include spasms, shooting pains and numbness in legs, muscle cramps, vertigo, dizziness, headaches, tinnitus, joint pain, unexplained depression, anxiety attacks, slurred speech, blurred vision and memory loss. Fibromyalgia is also linked to these products. As soon as a patient discontinues the intake of the foods containing the artificial sweeteners, the symptoms begin to disappear. Patients who have been sentenced to life in a wheelchair have been able to walk on their own within a couple of weeks after discontinuing these products.

As mentioned in my previous articles, disease and illness is a physical manifestation of emotional based issues stored deep in our cellular memory. However, the intake of toxins and chemically altered foods will produce symptoms and exacerbate the intensity of the illness.

Switch to a natural, plant based sweetener. A diet of organic, whole foods will be tasty enough and you will rarely have to add anything to sweeten the taste, once you get used to it.

Stevia is the most popular natural sweetener now available in most stores. It is an herb in the sunflower family, grown in tropical and sub-tropical climates. It was discovered in the 1800's and it is up to 300 times sweeter than sugar, with no calories and no negligible affect on blood sugar. It is thought to be helpful in reversing osteoporosis.

Agave Nectar is a honey-like substance from the agave plant. It has a low glycemic index and is a great choice to replace sugar or honey. Honey is considered an animal product by most vegans, as it is produced by bees.

Sunrider Foods has two sweeteners made from Stevia. Sunnydew is the most popular. It is made from stevia, along with other plant foods. It has been formulated to have anti-fungal and antibacterial properties. This product is a great food and can be used liberally, as it cleanses the pancreas.

Keep in mind that diet soda is NOT a diet product!!! It is a chemically altered, multiple Sodium and Aspartame containing product that will actually make you crave carbohydrates. It is far more likely to make you GAIN weight, not to mention the deadly consequences mentioned in this article. Many people continue to make poor choices in their daily food intake and feel that if they drink a diet soda, then it makes it all OK. Well, it obviously isn't's deadly!!

Got Milk?
Didn't your mom always tell you to drink your milk so you would grow up and have strong bones and teeth? She meant well, but she just didn't know any better!!
Studies conducted in the labs of some top institutes in the country, such as Harvard, Yale, Penn State and the National Institute of Health, have found that the intake of dairy products offers no deterrent to osteoporosis and there is nothing indicating that it builds strong bones and teeth. In fact, it was found that the protein content of milk is so high that it actually leaches calcium from the body!
Dairy products are laden with saturated fats and cholesterol and contain no fiber or complex carbohydrates. They are often contaminated with the blood, feces and pus from the animal, not to mention the hormones, antibiotics and pesticides used in commercial production. The animal also releases various toxins into the milk and meat, when they are mistreated or frightened due to the adverse conditions that they have to endure.
So besides being a major cause of osteoporosis and other bone diseases, the researchers have found that milk is to blame for many other diseases and disorders such as acne, anemia, anxiety, ADD/ADHD, allergies, asthma, obesity, heart disease, insulin dependent diabetes, autism and many types of cancers, just to name a few! Many people have become lactose intolerant which causes stomach aches, nausea, bloating, gas, IBS and more. IBS has been directly linked to fibromyalgia.
Keep in mind that the above information is documented based on research, but disease is the physical manifestation based on emotions that are trapped in our cellular memory. Poor diet and lifestyle choices exacerbates the illness.
Human breast milk contains less than 5% protein and weare only expected to drink it until weaned. This is a critical growth period in a human baby's life, so it's obvious that we do not require as much protein in our diets as we have been told. We also do not require milk at all after this period in our life. In fact, we are the only species on the planet that not only continues to drink milk as adults, but we drink it from another animal. When you think about it, it's actually disgusting.
The key to a long and healthy life is to eat a primarily alkaline diet with lots of raw vegetables and fruits, release the emotional roadblocks and above all, BE CONSCIOUS!!!
If you want more information, please email me at I recommend starting with Sunrider foods and we can talk further about how to release the emotional blocks, so that you can begin to live life fully conscious!!!!!