Saturday, March 5, 2011

Alkaline vs. Acidic - Why Alkaline?

Alkalinity is the concentration of the hydroxyl ion or OH’s in your blood. On the flip side, acidity is the concentration of the hydrogen ion. So, the difference between the two is simply oxygen. Alkalinity and acidity is measured in terms of pH, which means “potential of hydrogen”. pH is a scale or balance system which ranges from 1 to 14 with neutral being 7.0. The body attempts to maintain a pH of 7.4 in critical body fluids, which is mildly alkaline. If the body is not mildly alkaline, it cannot use oxygen efficiently, consequently producing free radicals.

Free radicals are atoms or groups of atoms with an odd number of electrons that can be formed when oxygen interacts with certain molecules. Once formed, these highly reactive radicals can start a chain reaction. The major problem is the damage they do when they react with important cellular components such as DNA or the cell membrane. Cells will function poorly and eventually die.

The alkaline side of the pH scale is called aerobic metabolism. This is where oxygen burns glucose to create energy. Oxygen burns one sugar molecule to produce 36 energy molecules in a process known as oxidative respiration. Oxygen is the substance that is used in an alkaline environment to keep you alive. However, it is important to remember that oxygen does not create the alkaline environment.

The acidic side of the pH scale is called anaerobic metabolism, which means “without oxygen”. The glucose here has the ability to produce only 2 energy molecules. The process is basically fermentation and is not very efficient at all. Your cells require 36 molecules of energy and are only receiving 2. Therefore, the cell has to use more fuel to create more energy. The highly acidic bodily fluids will create an increased craving for sugar. The body requires more than 18 times the sugar just to be able to make the amount of energy the cells are requiring. The lack of oxygen causes decay, degeneration and ultimately, death. The body begins to degenerate and die from the cellular level. Another interesting point is that one glucose molecule is equivalent to two lactic acid molecules. Lactic acid causes damage to cell membranes, pain and stimulates inflammatory disorders. The body will begin to try to get rid of the lactic acid by breaking it down. Science has shown that all cancer cells are swimming in lactic acid. Other anaerobes include yeast, fungi, mold, bacteria, worms and parasites.

It is important to know that when we talk about acidity in the body, we are not talking about stomach acid or the pH balance of the stomach. We are talking about the pH balance of the body’s fluids and tissues. When the body is too acidic, it is forced to borrow minerals, including calcium, sodium, potassium and magnesium from vital organs and bones to buffer or neutralize the acid and safely remove it from the body. The severe and prolonged damage to the body can go undetected for years, because it begins at the cellular level. A person can look and feel healthy, but can be deteriorating from the deepest levels and by the time the symptoms appear, the damage is massive.

Mild acidosis can cause cardiovascular damage, including the constriction of blood vessels and the reduction of oxygen; Weight gain, obesity and diabetes; Bladder and kidney conditions, including stones; Immune deficiency; Hormonal imbalances, which is more than the female/male hormones. It is the entire endocrine system which consists of many glands, particularly thyroid, adrenals, pancreas etc; Acceleration of free radical damage, possibly contributing to cancerous mutations; Premature aging; Osteoporosis; Joint pain; Muscle aches and lactic acid buildup; Low energy and chronic fatigue; Slow digestion and elimination; Yeast/fungal overgrowth. This is just a glimpse of the issues that are caused even by a mild case of acidosis.

So what causes you to be acidic? Well, the number one reason in America is the typical American diet. This daily fare typically consists of high acid-producing animal products such as meat, eggs and dairy, as well as processed foods, such as white flour, sugar, coffee and soft drinks. In addition, people are using way too many pharmaceuticals and artificial chemical sweeteners. Aside from the diet, stress plays a huge part. Stress is a huge demand on the body’s hormonal system. When you are using up your sugar, you are increasing the velocity of sugar utilization. Therefore, you are increasing the velocity and need of mineral and fatty acid utilization and other nutrients. Stress uses up nutrients quicker and you have a greater predisposition of falling into the acidic range.

The answer is to switch to an alkaline diet, get plenty of rest and exercise. An alkaline diet is easy and less expensive than all of the prepared and fast foods we tend to consume. Plenty of fresh vegetables, particularly dark leafy greens and fruits, along with some whole grains, nuts and seeds are the key to a healthy, disease and pain free body. The body has the innate ability to heal itself and to ward off disease when it is properly cared for.

When you are ready to take charge of your life and take care of your body, there are many things to consider in changing your current lifestyle. As you have read in my previous posts, Sunrider are the best food products available. These foods are whole, organic, original species, highly concentrated, properly formulated, enzymatically active, nutrient rich and super convenient. Contact me for more information on these fabulous foods and how to buy them. In addition, check out the website at The QuantumPathic Energy Method is a simple and highly effective technique for releasing cellular memory. There are two keys to optimum health; dealing with issues and proper nutrition.

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